Wehi Web's Update Blog 24/09

Hello and welcome to Wehi’s update blog. Well! This isn’t where I thought we would be when we finished our last update blog. If 2020 has taught us anything it is to expect nothing. It is unclear if this is a momentary blip or if there is another extended lockdown heading our way. As we are fond of quoting ‘pessimism of intellect, optimism of the will’.

We cannot predict what is going to happen. We can only continue doing what we are doing - providing professional web design and copywriting.

Still have questions for us about our services? Contact us here.


Just a Big But

An Attainable Blog

What makes a guide useful? What makes an interview inspiring? It is offering Attainable advice. Find out more here.

Gaining new skills is important. But auditing our old habits and skills can be as valuable. I review my bad habits in this quick blog to help you clean up your copywriting. Catch up here.