Wehi Web's Update Blog 14/05

Hello and welcome to Wehi’s fortnightly update. This week we have been working hard on creating a website for a small parish in Northampton. This has involved working closely with our client to create the most appropriate aesthetic for his community. Accessibility and easy management was our focus. We made ourselves available outside usual business hours to be available when our client needed us most.

Copywriters can learn so much from engineers. Discover 4 new strategies to be a better writer here.

Copywriters can learn so much from engineers. Discover 4 new strategies to be a better writer here.

The end to self-isolation might be on the distant horizon but Wehi’s commitment to our business community is here to stay. Find out more in our Open letter now.

Our latest blog explores the lessons that copywriters and content creators can learn from software engineers. Read now for a boost to your productivity and creativity here.