Felice Anno Nuovo and Happy New Year from Wehi!
The new year comes rushing in with many plans and aspirations. Unfortunately, we here at Wehi can’t help you with new year’s desire to cut down on coffee, learn French or finally get back in the gym.
What we can give you is a list of essentials for your website in 2020.
Incorporating just a couple of these into your routine throughout 2020 will make your website quicker, easier to find and more economical.
Is it fast enough?
We all know the experience. We click on a link and we are left staring at a blue circle spinning away with our valuable time. Customers will quickly lose interest and clients will judge your services on the website’s inefficiency.
Luckily the web offers a number of great tools to analyse the speed of your website. My favourite is gtmetrix which highlights the features you could adjust to speed up your website and keep potential customers interested.
Update keywords and search terms
You were ahead of the game. You studied your market’s literature. You then used all the necessary keywords in your website and blogs. Great job you were ahead of the game.
But have you updated these keywords?
Have you incorporated any new trends in your marketing strategy?
You can use tools such as Google Search Console and Ubersuggest to discover if there are any key phrases you are not using on your website. Set a monthly calendar reminder to make sure you are regularly optmising your website’s keywords.
You have all the necessary social media platforms. You have even braved Tiktok in an effort to secure a younger audience. Are these linked to your main website? Do your social accounts clearly direct customers to your website? Do the social pages contain all the necessary contact information? Are you even monitoring these social media accounts regularly or is your strategy set and forget?
Make a habit of engaging with your customers and promoting your services. This doesn’t need to be everyday, it just needs to be done regularly.
Nobody likes a cheater. But taking a peak at what your chief competitors are offering and how they are grabbing customers’ attention is just good practice.
Feel free to follow other businesses’ social pages and subscribe to their mailing lists. That way you can keep your website regularly updated so that it stays relevant in your industry.
Paid Ads
So you took out a paid advertisement. You invested in your company's reach in 2019. It may even have increased traffic to your website and given you some extra revenue.
Will these same tools work in 2020? Will they give you the biggest bang for your buck in 2020?
Advertisement platforms grow and the demographics of social networks change constantly. Facebook’s user population is ageing year on year. Is it still a valid ad space for your company? Make sure you know where most of your traffic is coming from and that your paid advertising is capitalising on this route to your website.
It is important you incorporate all of these steps into your businesses’ best practices. Review them as you would your accounts - an essential part of your operation. Set a monthly calendar reminder to review your website regularly so that it is as successful as possible.
Comment below with any questions or suggestions on what you would like this blog to cover.
Happy New Year!